Filmes Recomendados

Yoga Teacher Killer is based on the true events of a deadly love triangle that led authorities on an international manhunt. When pro-cyclist Moriah Wilson (Larissa Dias) is found dead after a short-lived affair with fellow professional Colin Strickland (Kyle Schmid), all signs point to Texan yoga teacher and Strickland’s on-and-off girlfriend, Kaitlin Armstrong (Caity Lotz). After being accused of allegedly killing Wilson in a jealous rage, she vanishes into thin air. On the run, Kaitlin alters her appearance in attempts to elude the authorities as they work to track her down, leading them to places that they never expected to find her.
Direção: Katie Boland
Elenco: Caity Lotz, Kyle Schmid, Larissa Dias
Áudio: HD
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