Filmes Recomendados

Yoga Teacher Killer: The Kaitlin Armstrong Story
Yoga Teacher Killer: The Kaitlin Armstrong Story
Yoga Teacher Killer is based on the true events of a deadly love triangle that led authorities on an international manhunt. When pro-cyclist Moriah Wilson (Larissa Dias) is found dead after a short-lived affair with fellow professional Colin
Filmes de Drama Filmes de Crime

Small town, England, 1575. William embarks on a journey to prove the innocence of his wife, Twyla, falsely accused of being a witch and will be put to death if found guilty. William must hunt down the real witch, to save Twyla from death.
Filmes de Fantasia Filmes de Terror

Sins of the Preacher’s Wife
Sins of the Preacher’s Wife
In a new town with a new baby and a husband who has to work all the time, a young mom gets involved with the highly popular local church. The preacher’s wife welcomes her with open arms and she enrolls her baby in the church’s daycare which is run
Filmes de Terror

Depois da Terra
Depois da Terra
Cypher embarca em uma viagem espacial ao lado do filho, Kitai, mas uma chuva de asteroides os forçam a pousar na Terra, que há mil anos não é habitada por humanos. Com Cypher gravemente ferido, Kitai enfrenta grandes perigos na busca do sinalizador,
Filmes de Ficção Científica Filmes de Ação Filmes de Aventura

The Dark Room
The Dark Room
As murders grip a small town, a photog uncovers something sinister while developing photos for a local religious leader. As the body count rises, he is pursued by a mysterious woman, throwing his own sanity into question by his doctor.
Filmes de Terror