It is a gripping horror film set in the small town of Willsboro Point, haunted by the terrifying urban legend known as the Graveyard Shark. This humanoid creature stalks its prey in the town graveyard, striking unexpectedly and leaving a trail of blood in its wake. Abby Wescott, a renowned cryptid hunter, is called in by Dr. Jan Lovnik to uncover the truth behind the urban legend. As Abby begins her investigation, she learns about the creature's dark origins from Captain Issac Seyburn, who was present on the night the legend began. Together, Abby and Seyburn team up with a group of Graveyard Shark survivors to put an end to the creature once and for all.
Direção: Matthew A. Peters
Elenco: Stephanie Ward, Michael John Gilbert, Berndele March, Ryan Santiago, Madisen Zabawa, Olivia Walton, Daniel DeFranco, Gregor Stevens, Olga N. Bogdanova
Áudio: HD
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