Jean-Yves Machond, a globally unknown and generally unhappy painter, decides one day to change his life. He seeks inspiration in a small Norman town, in order to design a masterpiece that will finally earn him glory and eternal recognition. But his meeting with local artists, from the warm Bagnoule to the skillful Cécile, will somewhat make him deviate from his path, and bring him face to face with his deepest dream: that of simply being a happy man.
Direção: Stefan Liberski
Elenco: Benoît Poelvoorde, Gustave Kervern, Camille Cottin, François Damiens, Laurence Bibot, Lorella Cravotta, Frédéric Clou, Chloé Larrère
Gêneros: Filmes de Comédia
Áudio: HD
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